
few years ago I had to work at a CAN Sniffer. In my studies I had to
make some practical works. This Application should be similar to the
CANALYZER from Vektor Informatics. I had not planned this app nor
had developed the most of the sources. It was a very chaotic
Application. It had many problems with the performance at high CAN
loads. At least I had to guess: "Forget it!".
Now that I am working much with the CAN Bus, it was interesting to me
to get a more sophisticated Tool. These are my first works with Qt.
Hello World!
On the screenshot you can see the three available views of the
Application. The Mainwindow displays all captured CAN-frames.
The Graphicwindow displays two selected item. The items are extracted
out of an easy xml database. There are easy calculation rules. The
Observerwindow displays even such items too.
The interface ist developed for the pcan (see www.peak-systems.com)
Hardware. But other hardware can be easily adapted.